Also join our WhatsApp Group for this workshop. In the group you will receive the most important information about the workshop. Remember that it is common that emails are not going to make into your inbox.
I authorise the inclusion of my mobile number in the WhatsApp group of the workshop, and I am aware that my mobile number, name and photo will be visible to other group members.
OPENING WEBINAR - Explaining the workshop and one of the biggest barriers in the validation process
In the opening webinar, I explained in details how the workshop is going to work, what is the content and what are the learnings you will get after participating in the event. I also talked about procrastination, one of the biggest barriers in the validation process, one of the reasons why many engineers do not even start their validation and let go their transformation dream, ie, to become an engineer in Australia.
Leave your comments below:
What is your strategy to overcome procrastination?